Have a listen below to my guest appearance with Tom Wishon on “Fairways of Life” with host Matt Adams on Sirius XM PGA TOUR Radio and Golf Channel Live Extra where one thing we chatted about was Sterling Irons® single length irons.
Earlier this week, video surfaced of Tiger Woods swinging his driver during a practice round ahead of the Hero World Challenge. In taking a quick look at his swing, one thing in particular jumped out at me that I thought I would point out for you.
Notice that during his swing, his left foot spins out a bit by the time he gets to his finish.
This observation inspired me to write this article, which is a piece I’ve actually had in mind to do for quite a while.
In modern golf instruction, it’s fairly common to see setups being taught in which the feet are perpendicular to the target line. Geometrically, this sounds fine and dandy. The problem, however, is that most people in their present physical state don’t have the mobility in their hips to be able to accommodate this type of setup… even many pros.
This includes myself.
Often times, what you’ll see is that the player will have no problems in the backswing and downswing. Then at some point in the through swing and/or on into the finish, the lead foot spins out or comes off the ground because it physically is unable to stay in the same place due in part to insufficient hip mobility. This is what you see in Tiger in the above.
Continuing on from yesterday, Mark Crossfield has published Part 2 of “Cobra One Length or Sterling Irons® One Length”. See what Mark and Coach Lockey think about single length irons on the course and during their match.
#1 Most Popular Golf Instructor Mark Crossfield has just published “Cobra One Length or Sterling Irons® One Length” - Part 1.
Video notes: Mark Crossfield and Coach Lockey take on the single length iron challenge with the Cobra One Length irons and the Sterling Irons® single length irons. See what their on-course in-match ideas are of the single length push in the golf industry.
For those living in Jefferson County, Missouri, keep an eye out in The Leader for Gordon Bess’ “The Inside Track” article called “Bowden stoking revolution in tradition-bound game of golf”…and article about Jaacob's Sterling Irons® single length irons.
Happy to have been a guest on Episode 57 of Tony Wright’s Golf Improvement Podcast to talk about Sterling Irons® single length irons.
Show Notes:
Jaacob tells His Story – how he became a Professional Golfer, and how he initially became interested in developing what have become the Sterling Irons® Single Length irons.
He talks about the initial requirements for the development of the Sterling Irons®, and why these requirements are important.
Jaacob discusses some of the interesting stories and challenges from the 2-1/2 year development of these irons.
He (and in fact Tom Wishon) play the Sterling Irons®. Jaacob discusses some of the surprises he has had related to how these irons perform for him.
Jaacob talks about a few of the very satisfying success stories from golfers who play the Sterling Irons®.
Finally, Jaacob provides some Final Words to golfers who might consider playing the Sterling Irons®.
Be sure to check out Mark Crossfield’s review of Tom Wishon’s and my Sterling Irons® single length irons at GolfWRX here.
The video description, as per Mark:
"Single Length Irons Like Bryson Dechambeau. Mark Crossfield tests the Sterling Irons® from Jaacob Bowden and Tom Wishon to show you what Bryson's idea with iron lengths could do for your golf game. This is a review of these golf clubs as well as a test of the idea of single length golf clubs."
Many thanks to Dude Spellings and Scott Dawley for having me on Episode 8 of the Pace of Change golf podcast.
Show Notes:
Welcome to Episode 8. Today we’re talking with Jaacob Bowden. It was actually hard to nail down an appropriate title for exactly what it is he does. Let’s just say, in the world of golf, he’s pretty much done it all. Jaacob is someone who understands the value of writing down his goals and plans, and then pursuing them step by step until achieved.
Take for example, his goal of becoming a professional golfer. You’d probably guess this was his childhood dream, something he fantasized about since he was a kid. Not exactly. Jaacob was 27 when he got started on this dream. And he was by no means a scratch golfer either. A 14 handicap, someone who admired the single digit player in his foursome. He was quite literally the average golfer. An average golfer with a superhuman belief system and a powerhouse work ethic.
His story blossoms from there into a beautiful picture of a late bloomer who falls in love with golf, and turns his love of the game into a budding entrepreneurial career. He’s an out of the box thinker, a swing speed teacher, an accomplished Speedgolfer, a senior writer for GolfWRX.com, and finally, with the recent release of Sterling Irons®, a golf club innovator. Alright, I’ve said enough. Let’s catch up with Professional Golf Entrepreneur, (hopefully that sums it up), Jaacob Bowden.
I hope you enjoy our conversation with Jaacob Bowden. Definitely want to encourage you to check out his swing speed training program. Like he mentioned, most golfers have never done any swing speed training, and therefore can see massive gains in just a few weeks time. For his unique view on current topics and events in the world of golf, follow him on your social media platforms of choice: he’s on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube.
Andrew Tursky of GolfWRX.com has just published a cover story on the single length set of irons called “Sterling Irons®” that Tom Wishon and I collaborated on creating and will be launching soon.